August: Orientation to the school and community
When are you going to meet this month?
What resources exist in your school and community that could assist new teachers in setting up their classroom?
Your focus this month should be on EVALUATION STANDARD 4 Professional Culture
Discussion Topics for August/September
There is a lot to cover at the beginning of the school year. This list is not supposed to be covered completely but instead is a suggestion of topics that might come up. Resources are linked when available.
Focus Areas
Various other things that come up at the beginning of the school year:
STANDARD 1: Curriculum Planning and Assessment
STANDARD 2: Teaching All Students
STANDARD 3: Family and Community Engagement
STANDARD 4: Professional Culture
Attendance policies and procedures
Fire drills (within the first week of school) and other emergency procedures
Library/computer labs: Here is the districts Library Webpage
Copy facilities: Here is the form
Fill out the monthly mentor log
Click here for High School Log
Click here for Middle School Log
Click here for Elementary School Log
Click here for the Nurses Monthly Discussion Topics.
Click here for the Adjustment Councilors Monthly Discussion Topics
Click here for the Special Educators Monthly Discussion Topics
Click here for the Guidance Councilors Monthly Discussion Topics
When are you going to meet this month?
What resources exist in your school and community that could assist new teachers in setting up their classroom?
Your focus this month should be on EVALUATION STANDARD 4 Professional Culture
Discussion Topics for August/September
There is a lot to cover at the beginning of the school year. This list is not supposed to be covered completely but instead is a suggestion of topics that might come up. Resources are linked when available.
Focus Areas
- All system and building administrations' responsibilities: Any procedural info plus additional goodies like where to park.
- Classroom set-up and provisions: Here is a pinterest on Classroom setup ideas
Various other things that come up at the beginning of the school year:
STANDARD 1: Curriculum Planning and Assessment
- Lesson plan protocol: Click here for a copy
- Lesson planning: Click here to watch a video on Lesson Planning, Here is another.
- The First Days/Weeks: Click here to watch a video on the First Day and setting expectations
STANDARD 2: Teaching All Students
- Clear expectations/consequences: Click here for a video on Setting up Expectations on Day One
- Class Building/teambuilding: Some suggestions can be found here
- Day-to-Day Routines: Here is a video from RBT on routines with some handouts.
- Making transitions: Here is a video of teaching transitions
STANDARD 3: Family and Community Engagement
- Open House/Curriculum Night: Here is an article on how to prepare
- Orientation to School Personnel: Who is important?
- Orientation to the students and their parents in the community: Here is an article on engaging parents.
STANDARD 4: Professional Culture
- Mentee Self-assessment Survey: Here is a link to the state's self-assessment survey
- What do you bring to teaching?
- Getting to know your mentor
- Being mentored
- Creating a Survival Packet: What do you need to know? Here is a video on creating a Survival Packet
Attendance policies and procedures
Fire drills (within the first week of school) and other emergency procedures
Library/computer labs: Here is the districts Library Webpage
Copy facilities: Here is the form
- District Evaluation
Fill out the monthly mentor log
Click here for High School Log
Click here for Middle School Log
Click here for Elementary School Log
Click here for the Nurses Monthly Discussion Topics.
Click here for the Adjustment Councilors Monthly Discussion Topics
Click here for the Special Educators Monthly Discussion Topics
Click here for the Guidance Councilors Monthly Discussion Topics