Mentor Training
Overview: The following is an overview of the Modules for Mentor Training.
In order to be a fully certified mentor in the Attleboro Public School System you must have 20 hours of Mentor Training. The training will be broken down into the following components:
Intro to Mentoring: 6 hours
This is a face-to-face training that must take place before you become a mentor or the year that you mentor for the first time. In order to receive compensation for mentoring this must be fulfilled by the end of the year of mentoring.
Advanced Training: 14 hours
This will be online training where mentors would pick the training modules that they found the most relevant and complete them. At the completion of the module they would submit their work to the lead mentor for their level and they would gain one hour toward their Advanced Training.
Alternate Methods of Receiving Hours:
A mentor can gain mentor training hours a few other ways.
In order to be a fully certified mentor in the Attleboro Public School System you must have 20 hours of Mentor Training. The training will be broken down into the following components:
Intro to Mentoring: 6 hours
This is a face-to-face training that must take place before you become a mentor or the year that you mentor for the first time. In order to receive compensation for mentoring this must be fulfilled by the end of the year of mentoring.
Advanced Training: 14 hours
This will be online training where mentors would pick the training modules that they found the most relevant and complete them. At the completion of the module they would submit their work to the lead mentor for their level and they would gain one hour toward their Advanced Training.
Alternate Methods of Receiving Hours:
A mentor can gain mentor training hours a few other ways.
- Take a course on mentoring outside of APS and turn in the documentation
- Volunteer to be on the steering committee and the hours on that will count toward training.
- Run a session during workshops.
- Volunteer to work with the lead mentors on various projects. Each hour worked will be one hour toward your 20 hours.