Monthly Discussion Topics for Nurses
School Nurse Mentor/Mentee
Monthly Discussion Topics/Responsibilities/Timeline
Order forms needed for the following school year such as OTC, Medical Concern forms
Updated 2016
Monthly Discussion Topics/Responsibilities/Timeline
- Send August Immunization reminders
- Obtain standing orders from school physician
- Obtain rosters/class lists for all classes- check to see if you have all school health records
- Prepare and distribute medical concern lists, create Emergency Care plans
- Distribute release of information concerns to Food Services and Busing. Requires parent permission
- Provide staff Allergy Awareness training including use of Epi-pen
- Review Walkie-Talkie function, check battery
- Review AED with staff, where it is, how and when to access. Review with SAFETY TEAM
- Distribute Universal precautions, gloves and “Emergency-what to look for” sheets to all staff
- Confer with staff regarding students with Medical Concerns / medications that they have
- Obtain current medication orders and medications in pharmacy labeled container
- Develop, review or revise Medication Administration Plans and obtain parent signature
- Review and revise any current IHCP’s, write new IHCP’s, as needed
- Review all incoming new students, kindergarten and preschool student records.
- Contact parent/guardian regarding non-compliant immunizations, send reminders to all who are missing required immunizations
- Distribute the following paperwork to all students: Up-date Medical Information, Pediculosis, OTC Permission Form and School Allergy Safety Letter
- Emergency Plans for all severe medical conditions/allergies/seizures etc….
- Inventory new supplies – replace batteries, out of date
- Review and restock emergency bag as needed
- Check medical equipment and medications for expired dates, function and battery life
- Update building Emergency Plan: Generate list of who is CPR/First aid /AED certified
- Obtain yearly letter for exemptions; religious, medical with MD written order, McKinney- Vento
- Keep list of non-compliant medical records, orders and medical/religious exemptions
- Follow up on Epipens and Medication Orders not received
- Send final immunization letters with exclusion dates, signed by nurse and administration
- Review Nurse Meeting schedule, Professional Development days and other school functions
- Review and revise Nurse Substitute Plan, forward a copy of plan to Nurse Coordinator
- Begin computer data entry into SNAP such as immunizations, medical alerts, medications
- Review medical 504 plans and IEP’s
- Monthly check of AED function, battery and pad expiration dates, document on current checklist
- Monthly Data Reports - due to Nurse Coordinator by the 10th day of the next month
- Follow up on Epi-Pen, other medication orders and medical information sheets not received.
- K-Prepare data sheet for the state kindergarten immunization report and have list of exemptions available
- Send state immunization report as directed
- Continue to update and enter student information into SNAP
- Begin state mandated screening program, height, weight, vision,hearing and scoliosis
- Continue to review records for missing information
- Attend Parent Open House (contractual obligation) when scheduled on school calendar.
- Submit health and wellness articles to appropriate person for school newsletter or website.
- Use parent newsletter and or website for education, info to parents, etc…
- Begin Dental Program
- Be aware of public health influenza programs for families, student and staff
- Schedule short programs with administrator regarding wellness/staff health
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury related complaints
- Continue mandated state screenings, re-screen as needed and refer as necessary
- Continue data entry entry such as student alerts, medication and other pertinent information
- Plan influenza vaccination program in conjunction with Attleboro Department of Health
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury related complaint
- Continue vaccination program as deemed necessary
- Continue screenings and referral follow up
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury complaints
- Continue screenings and referral program if not completed
- Plan February Dental education program, if appropriate
- Attend kindergarten parent information night
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury related complaints
- Check all equipment with batteries for expiration dates and replace as necessary
- Host dental education program (February is dental month)
- Review Epi-Pen skills with staff along with allergy awareness review
- Prepare for the process of kindergarten registration and record preparation process
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury related complaints
- Continue kindergarten registration and record preparation / record preparation
- Go through files and discard out of date pamphlets and fliers
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury related complaints
- Continue kindergarten registration process
- Prepare for Preschool registration (appropriate school)
- Review all referrals and follow up
- Inventory of supplies and equipment, prepare list needed for the next school year
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury related complaints
Order forms needed for the following school year such as OTC, Medical Concern forms
- Send information home regarding physical exams and booster immunizations due for the next year, (grades 5, 7 and 9)
- Plan for grade 4 puberty education class, collaborate with other elementary school nurses regarding convenient date for parent information night, consult with building administer for school space, draft invitation letter with date and time of event.
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury related complaints
- Send parent invitation for parent information night 1-2 weeks prior to date of event.
- Organize all elementary school nurses to teach the 4th grade puberty education class the same week.
- Send medication order forms for next year and w/ reminder to pick up medication or it will be disposed of
- Begin kindergarten and pre-school medical concern list information obtained from kindergarten registration and interviews
- Obtain a list from the office secretaries of the students transferring out. Pull all health records for those who are transferring to another school; prepare concern list for report; print copy of computer health record; pull AHS senior’s’ medical records, sending a letter home for pick up
- Copy and prepare records for all student leaving district
- Keep a list of what records were sent,where and the date sent for future reference
- Complete yearly report and forward electronically to the nurse coordinator
- Prepare info for summer school nurse any student you are aware of going to Extended School Year (ESY) also known as summer school :)
- Send home to parents all June preschool and kindergarten immunization reminders
- Take batteries out of equipment for the summer
- Check expiration dates and order what will expire
- Check that all screenings are entered in the electronic health program (SNAP
- Arrange for parents to pick up student medication and or supplies on the last day of school or what is convenient for you
- Prepare Health Office for summer cleaning, put away as much as possible
- Ongoing student and staff assessment of health and or injury related complaints
- Monthly Data Reports - due to Nurse Coordinator by the 10th day of the next month
- Check and document AED checks, function, battery and pad expiration dates monthly
- Check and document refrigerator temperature if medication is stored in it.
- Attend IEP and 504 meetings as required providing pertinent information regarding home, health, social & developmental history
- Update sub plan as necessary with revision date, send copy to nurse coordinator.
Updated 2016