Intro to Health Information
Objective: School health basic knowledge related to Standard Precautions, Allergy Awareness, Process for Epipen delegation training and Teacher Guideline for Nursing Visits.
1. Look over the following documents Click on the blue highlighted titles on all six resources that you might want to use with your new educator:
Powerpoint Presentation: Part 1 ~ School Health Basics
This is presented by the nursing staff to all building staff on the first day of school building meetings. By sharing this on Mentor webpage and Aspen Health Service page, we allow the opportunity for staff hired during the school year and staff needing review to view at that their leisure.
Powerpoint Presentation: Part 2 ~ Allergy Awareness
This is more in depth presentation on life threatening allergies in the school setting and what staff needs to be aware of. At the end of the power point staff can then complete online training, 10 question quiz, print out completion certificate and then demonstrate skills to be competent in Epipen administration to students in Emergency situations. This will be accessible through the Mentor webpage and the Aspen Health Service page.
Powerpoint Presentation: Part 3 ~ Standard Precautions and Bloodborne Diseases
This presentation is required for all staff to review yearly according to OSHA guidelines. Standard Precautions (formally know as Universal Precautions) is a term used for the guidelines developed by the CDC to minimize the risk of transmission of bloodborne diseases.
Part 4: Teachers Guidelines for Sending a Student to the Nurse
The document are guidelines for teachers to use when a student requests to see the nurse and some guidance as to what to do in an emergency. Included is information on General Health Issues and Guidelines and Emergency Medical Plan And Ambulance Procedure.
Part 5: General Health Issues and Guidelines ~ for staff information regarding common student issues and some first aid guidelines.
Part 6: Emergency Medical Plan and Ambulance Procedure ~ Guidance if an emergency should occur and emergency telephone procedure (911).
After viewing and reading over the resources please write up a one-page reflection (12 point font, double spaced) and submit it below. The reflection should deal with the following questions:
- What programs are the most beneficial for a new educator at your level to be familiar with?
- How could you help a new educator use these resources to maximize learning for all students?