Instructions: Classroom Management
Helping your mentee work through why students act up in class and what they can do with addressing these disturbances when they arise is one of the many tasks that a new educator needs to deal with. This module should take approximately an hour. When you are done viewing/reading the information you will submit a reflection. You will then receive one PDP hour towards your mentor certification.
Reflection: After watching the video and reading the article please write up a one-page reflection (12 point font, double space) that addresses the following questions:
Reflecting upon your own practice, what is your reaction to the video/reading?
How could you use this strategy to help your mentee grow as an educator?
Reflection: After watching the video and reading the article please write up a one-page reflection (12 point font, double space) that addresses the following questions:
Reflecting upon your own practice, what is your reaction to the video/reading?
How could you use this strategy to help your mentee grow as an educator?